As MVP has grown over the years, its organizational operations have expanded.
Today, MVP trainings and other educational initiatives are run out of a number of institutional bases in the U.S. and overseas.
These include:
MVP Strategies
MVP Strategies was founded in 1997 by Jackson Katz with the goal of expanding the implementation of the MVP model well beyond the sports culture. MVP Strategies regularly conducts trainings with racially and ethnically diverse groups of college and high school students, professionals and community leaders. We work with a range of organizations in the public and private sectors, including college athletic programs and professional sports clubs. In addition, MVP Strategies coordinates MVP trainings in all branches of the U.S. military, and developed the first gender violence prevention program in the Australian Army. The organization works with post-secondary and secondary educational institutions in the design and implementation of gender violence, gay-bashing, and bullying prevention programs for students, faculty, staff, and administrators.
MVP Strategies personnel also conduct innovative sexual harassment training for employees in small and large companies, and leadership trainings for executive directors, CEOs, managers and others in the public and private sectors.
MVP Strategies also coordinates trainings in school systems and athletic organizations in many countries including Canada, Australia, Scotland, Sweden and other countries. In addition, MVP Strategies produces and distributes educational materials that are widely used in violence prevention programs and health classes across the U.S. and beyond.
Sport in Society
MVP was created at Northeastern University’s Center for the Study of Sport in Society (CSSS) in Boston in 1993 and has been an established program there ever since. The mission of Sport in Society is to increase awareness of sport and its relation to society, and to develop programs that identify problems, offer solutions and promote the benefits of sport.
CSSS staff conducts MVP trainings in the Boston Public Schools and throughout the Greater Boston area. They developed an online version of MVP training, and also conduct two annual 3-day MVP training institutes at Northeastern University and other regional locations, in January and August.
Center for Violence Prevention at the University of Northern Iowa
The Center for Violence Prevention (CVP) was founded in 2011 with a mission to build the capacity of institutions of higher education, K-12 schools, victim service agencies, law enforcement and the criminal justice system to systematically implement best practice violence prevention, victim service, and evaluation strategies in collaboration with state, family and community partners.
Since its creation, MVP has been central to the philosophy and practice of CVP’s programming. CVP staff regularly conduct MVP trainings across Iowa, and consult with national and international organizations on strategies for incorporating MVP into school and system-wide gender violence and bullying prevention initiatives.
CVP also functions as a statewide training center that offers annual conferences for community and campus victim-services providers, community and campus police and educators. CVP also supports the development of best practices for responding to and preventing interpersonal violence at Iowa’s three state universities.
Note: two key iterations of MVP have reorganized and rebranded under new names. MVP National, headquartered at the University of Central Florida, is now called Huddle Up!, and the MVP program at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia is now called Mate. For information about other international initiatives and partnerships with MVP Strategies, click here.