MVP Strategies in Community Colleges
MVP is a leadership program and prevention strategy that is adaptable to both four and two-year institutions.
For the past five years, Monroe Community College in Rochester, New York has pioneered MVP work in an urban community college setting at its Damon City Campus. In addition to various ongoing activities, since 2010 MVP-MCC has offered three-day “Train the Trainers” certification to students, alumni, faculty, staff, administrators and community members. Many mentors have gone on to use their MVP skills in their education, internships, jobs and personal lives.
MVP-MCC also includes curriculum infusion into select coursework in Criminal Justice, English, Health Education, Psychology, Sociology and Speech Communications. They also sponsor co- and extra-curricular events on both MCC campuses and in the community, and have a full-year “MVP in ACTION” scholarship available to students committed to violence prevention.
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