The following is a resource list of organizations working to promote gender equality, end gender violence, and engage men and boys at every level of the process.
Men’s Organizations Working to End Men’s Violence Against Women, Children, and Other Men
International and Online Groups
The Anti-Porn Men Project
The Anti-Porn Men Project is an online space for (mainly) men to read, write, and discuss anti-porn arguments and issues. Their position: Pornography is an important issue in tackling both violence against women and wider gender inequality, as well as an important personal issue in the lives and relationships of many people. It is for these reasons — and not out of any political or religious sentiment — that the Anti-Porn Men Project offers resources and a space for discussion.
Men Engage: Boys and Men for Gender Equality
Men Engage is a global alliance of NGOs and U.N. agencies that seeks to engage boys and men to achieve gender equality. Members include Sonke Gender Justice (South Africa), Promundo (Brazil), Salud y Genero (Mexico), WHO, UNDP, UNFPA, and UNIFEM. At the national level, members include more than 400 NGOs from Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean, North America, Asia, and Europe. The Alliance came together in 2004 with the general goal of working in partnership to promote the engagement of men and boys in achieving gender equality, promoting health, reducing violence at the global level, and questioning the structural barriers to achieving gender equality.
Men’s Resources International
Men’s Resources International (MRI) helps men around the globe practice and promote a healthy, compassionate, and responsible model of masculinity. Their approach is to identify and support men’s networks in all stages of development. They provide training, coaching, materials, and technical assistance to help these networks grow, become more effective, and connect with other like-minded men’s and women’s organizations. Much of their work in recent years has been in Africa.
Men’s Story Project
The Men’s Story Project (MSP) is a public performance and community dialogue project that aims to strengthen social norms that support healthy masculinities and gender equality. The project also helps eliminate gender-based violence, homophobia, and other oppressions that are intertwined with masculinities. They do this through men´s public story-sharing events, documentary films, and other mass media. The MSP started in San Francisco in 2008 and is intended for local implementation and evaluation around the world.
1 in 6
1 in 6 is an organization that helps men who have had unwanted or abusive sexual experiences in childhood live healthier, happier lives. Their mission also includes serving family members, friends, and partners by providing information and support resources. Their site includes information about the 1 in 6 Online Support Line, a free, confidential, secure service that provides live help over the 1 in 6 website.
Voice Male Magazine
Voice Male is the pro-feminist men’s movement’s “magazine of record,” playing a role analogous to the one Ms. Magazine plays in the women’s movement. It has been published quarterly in one form or another since 1983, and covers topics ranging from multiracial men’s efforts in challenging men’s violence to fatherhood, men’s health, and men’s ongoing exploration of their interior lives. It counts itself among a growing legion of activist male allies working with both men and women in advocating for new and healthier expressions of manhood.
White Ribbon Campaign
The White Ribbon Campaign (WRC) is the world’s largest movement of men and boys working to end violence against women and girls and promote gender equity, healthy relationships, and a new vision of masculinity. Starting in 1991, WRC asked men to wear white ribbons as a pledge to never commit, condone, or remain silent about violence against women and girls. Since then, the White Ribbon has spread to over 60 countries around the world. It works to examine the root causes of gender-based violence and create a cultural shift that helps bring us to a future without violence.
XY Online
XY is a website and informational resource focused on men, masculinities, and gender politics. XY explores issues of gender and sexuality, the daily issues of men’s and women’s lives, and practical aspects of personal and social change. XY is a forum for debate and discussion, including commentary on contemporary and emerging issues in gender and sexual politics. The forum also features a resource library or clearinghouse for key reports, manuals, and articles, and a toolkit for activism, personal transformation, and social change.
National and Local Groups
A Call to Men
A Call to Men promotes a more healthy and respectful definition of manhood. ACTM provides keynote presentations, consultations, workshops, and training sessions. It also works with other groups to create national campaigns that raise awareness about ending violence on a larger scale. Watch a TED Talk from Tony Porter of A Call to Men.
Coaching Boys Into Men
The Coaching Boys Into Men (CBIM) program invites men to use their unique position to prevent domestic and sexual violence. Men — as fathers, brothers, coaches, teachers, uncles, and mentors — have a role to play in coaching boys into men. CBIM also offers a downloadable training kit aimed at athletic coaches.
Men Can Stop Rape
Men Can Stop Rape mobilizes men to use their strength for creating cultures free from violence, especially men’s violence against women. Since 1997, MCSR has advocated for a redefinition of masculinity and male strength as part of preventing men’s violence against women. MCSR also conducts trainings, develops social media campaigns, and consults with schools and organizations.
Men for Gender Equality
Men for Gender Equality Sweden is a Swedish NGO in the field of engaging men and boys in gender equality and violence prevention. The Swedish name of the organization is Män för Jämställdhet. Men for Gender Equality focuses on social norms of masculinities: how they are formed; how they influence society, relations, and individuals; and how they can be reformed to contribute to gender equality, freedom from violence, and better health for women, girls, boys, and men.
Men’s Initiative for Jane Doe
The Men’s Initiative for Jane Doe Inc. (MIJD) is a collaboration of men’s outreach projects throughout the state of Massachusetts, organizing support from men in their communities for Jane Doe Inc. MIJD encourages men and boys to speak up in ending sexual assault, domestic abuse, and oppression. It connects and supports male leaders of all ages and backgrounds with projects to end violence. The organization also builds men’s partnerships with women in the work to end violence against women, men, and children.
The National Organization for Men Against Sexism (NOMAS)
The National Organization for Men Against Sexism is an activist organization of men and women supporting positive changes for men. NOMAS advocates a perspective that is pro-feminist, gay affirmative, anti-racist, dedicated to enhancing men’s lives, and committed to justice on a broad range of social issues including class, age, religion, and physical abilities. NOMAS sponsors a yearly national conference on Men and Masculinity in support of local and grassroots initiatives. The conference brings together activists, academics, and workers in mental health, diversity, faith communities, and domestic and sexual violence fields. The Men’s Studies Association Meeting provides academics the opportunity to present scholarly papers on these issues.
Sonke Gender Justice (South Africa)
Sonke Gender Justice Network is a non-partisan, non-profit organization established in 2006. Today, Sonke has established a growing presence on the African continent and plays an active role internationally. Sonke works to create the change necessary for men, women, young people, and children to enjoy equitable, healthy, and happy relationships that contribute to the development of just and democratic societies. Sonke pursues this goal across Southern Africa by using a human rights framework to build the capacity of government, civil society organizations, and citizens to achieve gender equality, prevent gender-based violence, and reduce the spread of HIV and the impact of AIDS.
Organizations Dedicated to Sexual and Domestic Violence Victim Advocacy and Prevention
Just Detention International
Just Detention International is a health and human rights organization that seeks to end sexual abuse in all forms of detention. The rape of detainees — whether by corrections staff or by other inmates — is a crime and is recognized under international law as a form of torture. In the U.S., sexual assault in detention has reached epidemic levels, with an estimate of more than 200,000 people subjected to this form of violence every year. JDI advocates for the safety and well-being of inmates and works to hold government officials accountable for prisoner rape. It also promotes public attitudes that value the dignity and safety of inmates, and ensures that survivors of this violence have access to the help they need.
National Sexual Violence Resource Center
The National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) is a national information and resource hub relating to all aspects of sexual violence. Founded by the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape, the oldest and one of the largest state sexual assault coalitions, the NSVRC is funded through a cooperative agreement from the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention’s Division of Violence Prevention. The NSVRC staff collects and disseminates resources on sexual violence including statistics, research, position statements, statutes, training curricula, prevention initiatives, and program information. With these resources, the NSVRC assists coalitions, advocates, and others interested in understanding and eliminating sexual violence. The NSVRC has an active and diverse advisory council that assists and advises staff and ensures a broad national perspective. The NSVRC also enjoys a strong partnership with state, territory, and tribal anti-sexual assault coalitions and allied organizations.
National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence
The National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence helps professionals who work with victims and perpetrators: law enforcement; criminal justice professionals, such as prosecutors, judges, and probation officers; health care professionals including emergency response teams, nurses, and doctors; domestic violence and sexual assault advocates and service providers; and counselors and social workers. In addition to these professionals, the National Center also works with local, state, and federal agencies; state and national organizations; educators; researchers; faith community leaders; media; community leaders; elected officials; policymakers; and all branches of the military. Their resource list includes information about male victims of domestic and sexual violence.
RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) is the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization. RAINN created and operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline (800.656.HOPE and in partnership with more than 1,100 local rape crisis centers across the country and operates the DoD Safe Helpline for the Department of Defense. RAINN also carries out programs to prevent sexual violence, help victims, and ensure that rapists are brought to justice.
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
NCADV’s work includes coalition building at the local, state, regional, and national levels; support for the provision of community-based, non-violent alternatives – such as safe home and shelter programs – for battered women and their children; public education and technical assistance; policy development and innovative legislation; focus on the leadership of NCADV’s caucuses developed to represent the concerns of organizationally under-represented groups; and efforts to eradicate social conditions which contribute to violence against women and children.
National Domestic Violence Hotline
The National Domestic Violence Hotline provides 24-hour support, offering advocacy, safety planning, resources, and hope to everyone affected by domestic violence. The Hotline was established in 1996 as a component of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) passed by Congress. The Hotline is a nonprofit organization that provides crisis intervention, information, and referral to victims of domestic violence, perpetrators, friends, and families. It also is a resource for domestic violence advocates, government officials, law enforcement agencies, and the general public. Contact information: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY); advocates who are deaf are available Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (PST) by videophone (855-812-1001); instant messenger: Deaf Hotline; and email: [email protected].
Institute on Domestic Violence in the African American Community
The Institute on Domestic Violence in the African American Community (IDVAAC) focuses on the unique circumstances of African Americans as they face issues related to domestic violence, including intimate partner violence, child abuse, elder maltreatment, and community violence. IDVAAC’s mission is to enhance society’s understanding of and ability to end violence in the African-American community. IDVAAC was formed in 1993 when a group of scholars and practitioners met to discuss the plight of the African-American community in the area of domestic violence. They agreed that the “one-size-fits-all” approach to domestic violence services would not suffice, as African Americans disproportionately experience stressors that can create conditions that lead to violence in the home.
National Latin@ Network for Healthy Families and Communities
The National Latin@ Network for Healthy Families and Communities, a project of Casa de Esperanza, is a national institute on domestic violence focusing on Latin communities. They provide training and consultations to practitioners and activists throughout the U.S., as well as in Latin America. They organize national and regional events and engage in federal and state public policy advocacy, as well as conduct research on issues that affect Latin communities in the U.S. and abroad.
Asian & Pacific Islander Institute on Domestic Violence
Asian & Pacific Islander Institute on Domestic Violence (API Institute) is a national resource center on domestic violence, sexual violence, trafficking, and other forms of gender-based violence in Asian and Pacific Islander communities. It serves a national network of advocates; community-based organizations; national and state programs; legal, health, and mental health professionals; researchers; policy advocates; and activists from social justice organizations working to eliminate violence against women. It analyzes and addresses critical issues; provides consultation, technical assistance and training; conducts research; and engages in policy advocacy.
Mending the Sacred Hoop: Working to End Violence Against Native American Women
Mending The Sacred Hoop works from a social change perspective to end violence against Native women and children while restoring the safety, sovereignty, and sacredness of Native women. They are committed to strengthening the voice and vision of Native peoples through grassroots efforts to restore the leadership of Native women. The Mending the Sacred Hoop Technical Assistance Project (TA-Project) provides training and technical assistance nationally to Office on Violence Against Women Tribal grantees to support them in their efforts to address violence against women in their communities.
Equality Now
Equality Now works for the protection and promotion of human rights of women and girls around the world. Working with grassroots women’s and human rights organizations and individual activists since 1992, Equality Now documents violence and discrimination against women and mobilizes international action to support efforts to stop these abuses.
Coalition Against Trafficking in Women
CATW works to end human trafficking and the commercial sexual exploitation of women and children worldwide. CATW is the world’s first organization to fight human trafficking internationally and is the world’s leading abolitionist organization. CATW engages in advocacy, education, victim services, and prevention programs for victims of trafficking and prostitution in Asia, Africa, Latin America, Europe, and North America, including in the U.S.
Stop It Now!
Stop It Now! is dedicated to preventing the sexual abuse of children by mobilizing adults, families, and communities to take actions that protect children before they are harmed. They provide support, information, and resources to keep children safe and create healthier communities. Since 1992, they have identified, refined, and shared effective ways for individuals, families, and communities to act to prevent child sexual abuse before children are harmed — and to get help for everyone involved.
Hollaback is a movement to end street harassment powered by a network of local activists around the world. They work together to better understand street harassment, ignite public conversations, and develop innovative strategies to ensure equal access to public spaces. They advocate the use of smartphones to document, map, and share incidents of street harassment – because the real motive of street harassment is intimidation. Their vision is a world where street harassment is not tolerated and where everyone enjoys equal access to public spaces.
Prostitution Research & Education
Prostitution Research & Education (PRE) conducts research on prostitution, pornography, and trafficking and offers education and consultation to researchers, survivors, the public, and policymakers. PRE’s goal is to abolish the institution of prostitution while at the same time advocating for alternatives to trafficking and prostitution – including emotional and physical healthcare for women in prostitution. The roots of prostitution are found in racism, women’s poverty, and the assumption that men are entitled to buy women for sex.
V-Day is a global activist movement to end violence against women and girls. V-Day is a catalyst that promotes creative events to increase awareness, raise money, and revitalize the spirit of existing anti-violence organizations. V-Day generates broader attention for the fight to stop violence against women and girls, including rape, battery, incest, female genital mutilation (FGM), and sex slavery.